The Real Caillettes ArdechoisesThe Real Caillettes Ardechoises
©The Real Caillettes Ardechoises

The rennet

drômoise and ardéchoise

The caillette du Dauphiné, is a small pate the size of a fist, made from pork meat (throat and liver) and stuffed with aromatic and vegetable herbs, presented under a strainer. Be careful, there is the caillette de la Drôme and the caillette de l’Ardèche! The caillette drômoise is made with lettuce and meat, while the caillette ardéchoise has more chard leaves and spinach (even cabbage) and less meat (possibly also potato or chestnut). Each one has its own particularity… we admit to you that both formulas are excellent!

The Real Caillettes ArdechoisesThe Real Caillettes Ardechoises
©The Real Caillettes Ardechoises
Tasting of caillettes

Its tasting is an art: each one its religion. It can often accompany aperitifs when it is made (or bought) in small format. It can also be eaten cold on toast with a few slices of sausage or other cold cuts. Perfect for a convivial moment. But it can also be eaten hot: as a starter or with small steamed or sautéed potatoes for example. It is in any case excellent!

Jessica, gastronome of the tourist office

The simple recipe

of the abomasum

Base for 15 curds | easy


  • 500 g pork loin
  • 250 g pork throat
  • 500 g pork liver
  • 200 g pork caul
  • 2 eggs
  • 800 g spinach or chard
  • aromatic herbs (parsley, thyme)
  • salt and pepper


– plunge the vegetables into boiling water
– drain them and cut them very finely
– chop the different meats together
– Add the eggs to the vegetables
– Mix with the second preparation.
– Season and form small balls to be rolled with crépine.
– Put in the oven (210°) for about 40 minutes.
